European Defence Agency

Working under the strictest of guidelines, Spinbox spent 3 years working with the EDA, rebuilding their website on Sitefinity Platform, building a relation of trust and success which allowed for easy content creation and professional finish.

Into the 21st Century Brief

The European Defence Agency (EDA) is one of the youngest European Union Agencies based in Brussels, Belgium and offers support to the Council and the Member States in an effort to improve the European Union’s defence capabilities for the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).

With European agency websites behind the times on SEO, usability and zero metrics for conversion, the EDA drafted in UX & Sitefinity experts (Spinbox) to advance the website to commercial standards and help promote the EDA as serious contender in the defence space.

With onsite consultation and analysis in Belgium, Spinbox designed a strategy to allow member states to access content fast and richer than every before and allowing content creators to have consistency of speed at their finger tips. 
Into the 21st Century

Arms & Ammo Solution

Into the 21st Century

Not only did the EDA want to upgrade to the latest version of Sitefinity to take advantage of its improved features, they also wanted a design which was modern, uncluttered and capitalised on the strong imagery at the EDA’s disposal and part of their offering.

Spinbox’s starting point for this project was to perform an in-depth analysis of the EDA’s existing site, using Google Analytics to identify top performing content and elevate this in the new design. Spinbox then worked collaboratively with the EDA to refine design concepts - the result of this was an improved navigation structure, allowing relevant content to be found by the users and an customised and enhance search function which significantly reduced bounce rates.

A mobile first design led the way into the redevelopment of the website, with an iterative approach the 5000 page+ website was digitally transformed over a 6 month time frame allowing close monitoring of use behaviour and goal completions.

Due to the sensitive nature of the EDA’s work, delivery of a secure website was of paramount importance. With our expertise over Sitefinity architecture, a decoupled aproach protected the application, network and content.


European Defence Agency gallery item 1
European Defence Agency gallery item 2
European Defence Agency gallery item 3
European Defence Agency gallery item 4

Explosive! Results

Awards: Sitefinity Website of the Month Top 5 award
Recognition: A leading EU website

With multiple phases of design and development, the EDA website is now the leading European Government website.

Spinbox re-designed the full digital strategy from mobile, desktop and legacy browser support. Content and call to actions have provided clear direction for users and stakeholders, surfacing content to the right users in the right places.

Some amazing bespoke developments has allowed for user interaction with the website never achieved before within Sitefinity. Combined with our Sitefinity expertise, speed was dramatically improved throughout the website increasing enquiries, opportunities and conversion throughout the website . With the 3rd round of visual improvements complete, the mobile traffic is on the up and clear navigation of the website has provided a huge reduction in bounce rates.